
Returning to Base

Day 6 & 7

It was Friday and it was very clear my trip was over, I had to enter the motorway and do 500km or bust.

Memories of my very first road trip to Scandinavia where I would spend the entire days on a motorway driving full open throttle until I would get prickly heat in my butt from my saddle in the day heat. Shoulder tension, neck tension, and general dull ache full body for sitting very still for hours on end. This is what I had learnt early on into my travelling adventures was something I didn’t enjoy.

I arrived in Boulogne-sur-Mer in the afternoon, had time to check into my hostel, get a meal and even take my bike to an auto-service car wash, gave the bike a sparkle clean and a quick inspection on tyres and brakes.

The following morning, I got up before sunrise to get to the Ferry terminal, everything was on schedule and arrived in Dover at 8 am, my vehicle inspection appointment was at 9 am, which made me early enough, to get breakfast. I arrived at my mother’s home at midday fairly humbly but full of smiles and Mia the happy dog was there to sniff me around.

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