
HUMM Day 3


p1020102After yet another very long hard day, and over 200 photos to go through. There’s no chance I’m going to sit here fiddling around to tell you all that happened and what we got up to.

However, what I will tell you is that we had great fun and all was good except poor Andy and his bike, overheating and spluttering and suffering the altitude and various other things.

The picture was taken at the top of a mountain we climbed (near Queralbs) it was in excess of 2300 meters and it was fab.

Tomorrow heading through Andorra for a refuel, then up through France on my way home on Sunday.  Pictures will have to wait.


Here are the much-needed photographs:

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  1. Some superb photos there.

    I got really excited when I saw you’d found a giant monster lizard…… then saw the next pic, not so monster now!

    You all look like you’re having a great time 🙂

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