
Panic Stations!!

Currently in Panic Stations about Africa

Currently in Panic Stations about AfricaHi there!
The idea of riding calmly down to the Balkans, and back and taking 3 months has been thrown by the wayside for the newer, brighter idea of AFRICA (riding for approximately 6 months down to Cape Town).
Ed and I have been frantically covering all our bases with so many details, visas, routes, equipment, budget, bike upgrades, dry-run schedule dates and much much more that we’re currently blind with all these ideas.

Panic Stations

For now, I’ll say I’ve been over 2 months off work with a damaged leg, in which time I’ve managed to get a set of Africa maps, got a phrase book in African dialects, and roughly planning our route.

View UK to South Africa A.K.A. “a way down” in a larger map

I will post more soon!

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