

Hi just a quick line to let you all know that I’m now officially in Africa.

…and another few lines to tell you:

Yesterday, we pulled in to Alex at 2pm… spent 4 hours in customs being issued visas, insurance, driver’s license, number-plates and everything else… all in the baking sun, no idea what we were paying, and all paying different rates for the same thing.

Then by sunset we set off to look for the camp-site…. that camp-site in the middle of the city. Yet again, GPS failed us. After riding in the slums of Alexandria in the dark with pack horses and everyone driving without lights on (no joke everyone drives in the dark here) for about what seemed eternity, we got found by a local who could speak English, luck being what it is… he was a delightful host, and after finding us a good enough hotel for us, and a good place to park our bikes, he took us out for dinner which was delicious. Alexandria is famous for it’s seafood, and we had some great calamari and then grilled fish.  It was delicious.

Anyhow, today we’re going to try and get to a camp-site… yes a camp-site in Cairo. I’ve not seen many backpacking, caravanning, types here in Egypt. I’ll keep you posted.

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