
So just over 2 months to go….

Right, I guess I should mention a few things. We’re leaving for Africa. We will be leaving soon. Scary scary scary.

Oh, and so my carnet application went bad. My bank Lloyds TSB rejected my guarantee, which is ironic since their slogan “for the journey” doesn’t stand up to much since they wont have my back for MY journey…. so I’ll be looking for a different way of doing that.

As for different things going on:

  • Well I forgot to mention a fair while back. I was stopped outside Hein Gericke in Welling (where I had been buying something or other) where a man was fascinated by my DRZ, he asked if he could take some pictures and put them on the internet. Sure enough, he kept true to his word and hot-linked to my blog. So to Kenjonbro thanks!
  • Work, seems to be getting very monotonous, I’m very disorientated by the lack of pattern, I’m working earlies and lates and having random days off in the week leaving me clueless as to what day/week/month we’re in.  I can’t wait for this to be over.

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  1. Hey Neil, hope you have a great time. Sounds like you’ll be glad to swap the rat race for some kind of escaping from lions type race. I hear they love chewing on tyres :p

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