
Abu something (maybe Abu-Sir)

Heading to Abu-Sir with Ali on the back

So, yesterday we (6 of us: Matt & Kim, Craig, Cam, Ed and I) went on a rollercoaster ride with an Egyptian named Ali, who took us to his home village to meet his wife, eat his food and give us a closed-doors tour of the step pyramids at Abu-Sir / Saqqara (which are now not open to the public anymore). The day was probably the best eye-opener of our Egypt experience we’ve had so far. Aside from my dehydration, it was a good day.


We got to dress up in Jellabiyas (Arabic man dress thing) and ride in the desert and obviously see the pyramids at sunset without any other tourists. It was great.

Sadly, the visa situation is proving a real problem. My Sudanese visa was not processed today, and the others now have to wait for mine to materialize tomorrow. With luck, everything will work in time for our ferry on Monday next week. Otherwise, I’ll be left behind or something tragic.

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  1. He’s behind you!. That book I was telling you about,the one I hoped you had’nt read, did say that the Sudanese and Ethiopian visa’s were the most time consuming to obtain and that the ferry was very,very busy with people heading north(and south) for a break from it all. The Sudanese are’nt too keen on people travelling about,or at least they were’nt ten years ago. Anyway its all part of the drama and makes a great read for us back in blighty. Could we have a few more breakdowns and diplomatic incidents please!?.


    I’m off now to make some copies of your number plate.

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