

So today, Craig and I went off to see the sphinx and ended up seeing the pyramids… and the sphinx… OK it cost me a little more than I wanted to part with, but I guess it’s not everyday you get to ride a camel in the desert, haggle with Egyptians over things you DO NOT want and end up getting them for about a third of the price and thoroughly enjoying it.

Anyhow, we’ve been mostly enjoying the sun up on the roof top pool to be honest:


Anyhow here are the pictures from today:


Tomorrow we’re moving from this hotel to another since they cannot book us here another night. However, we have already a reservation at another place where a couple who are having the problems as us on our visas. I look forward to seeing new faces!

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  1. N – I bet no one ever has taken that photo with their finger on the pinnacle ;>
    Great photos though. You look like Lawrence riding that camel.

  2. It was the tour bloke who insisted on taking that photo, I didn’t mind the result so I was happy to upload it… originality is somewhat lacking I’ll admit. 😛

    Camel riding is not quite the same as riding the horse, despite enjoying riding the horse, craig couldn’t stand being on the camel so we swapped. I enjoyed both. 🙂

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