Horizons Unlimited
Before leaving Mexico, I decided I wanted to make a presentation at a Horizons Unlimited event. I planned to do Colorado as it favoured where I’d best prefer to be to make a presentation.
The distance from Silverton onto Denver was very little, however, I wanted to check out Grant where I would be presenting the following weekend (which is just under 300 miles from Silverton). Gabby and I planned to meet there.
Silverton onto Grant
I had very loosely planned with Gabby to meet her again for my birthday on the 9th. I didn’t wish to pressure her into meeting me. After all, I really wanted it to be something she wanted not just because I wanted it. Therefore I was aiming to see her on the day or the day after. It also meant, that I’d have to kill a few days killing time and moving myself from Silverton. This; ladies and gentlemen, can be what travelling really be like. You make loose plans with people based on their availability and hope that you coincide; I’d done this a few times on this trip and usually ended up with me feeling disappointed.

I’ll be honest, the days between Silverton and Grant were not very creative, enjoyable or even inspiring. I had no great interest in the part of the country I was travelling in.
Day #1 (7th July)
Leaving Silverton, I drove to what seemed a reasonable distance (about 180 miles). I did this so that the following day wouldn’t be too long and I could spend half a day in Grant and set up where I could stay for a week if I had to. However, back to day one, I found myself at a BLM site near Poncha Springs, the site was good but felt very pointless being there. I effectively saw very little all day, I made camp at a decent time and had a fire and let time pass and went to sleep.
Day #2 (8th July)
I almost disregard the whole day of the 8th until the evening. The drive was pretty dull, I recall getting rained on and freezing myself. I arrived early afternoon and found the best campsite I could in the forest in the hope to receive Gabby the following day. I was also running out of supplies so set off to look to look for a grocery store. I ended up driving for about 20 miles just to find a shop. By the time I returned I had received a text from Gabby to tell me she was going to make it to me that evening. I was delighted to see her again, she set up camp by me and we recapped on the days we had apart. 🙂
My Birthday
For my birthday we spent the day near Grant and went for a hike up one of the mountains, and had a very chilled out day together. It was perfect!
The following day, we drove into Denver where Gabby had some work and I would be able to solder my laptop motherboard. It seemed like a great plan! We stayed the first night in a motel so we could have a shower, do much-needed laundry. Little did we know what was going to happen at our motel.
At 4am the fire alarm went off, and before we were even awake we were out in the forecourt of the hotel in flip-flops and t-shirts not expecting it to be cold. Two hours later after the fire crew had put the fire out of one of the rooms we were allowed to return to our room. Great news, right? 😉
The following week I spent trying to repair my laptop and preparing my presentation for the Horizons Unlimited presentation, frankly I didn’t see much of Gabby while she was working, but it was fine I was busy too!